Hi, welcome to my blog!

I am Shev- a twenty-something-year-old navigating newlywed life, career, and life in general, as a Christian millennial.
For a long time, I have gone back and forth about starting a blog. As an introvert, putting yourself out there is not always the easiest thing. The fear of thinking I would end up sounding too cliche or have others think I wasn’t saying much at all, held me back.
I’ve decided to shake off these fears and start this blog anyway. Some of us have dreams that we have always wanted to pursue, but fear has stood in our way, I think it’s time we pursue these dreams, anyway.
To some, lifestyle blogs are seen as a source of information for specific topics, however, I believe a great blog should spark conversation with those around us while inspiring growth and change.
Whether that is – growing/struggling in your faith, preparing for marriage, pursuing your dreams as a first-generation immigrant, or simply planning a much-needed vacation.
I hope that this blog will leave you feeling encouraged and empowered to “live your best life” and walk in purpose as you read through each tip and experience shared.
If you’d like to keep in touch, you can also subscribe to my site to receive new posts and updates via email!
Thank you for stopping by!