Category: Girl Chat

  • Your Image & Worth

    Your Image & Worth

    What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the word “merchandise”? For some reason, I always think of expensive jewelry behind a glass display. Maybe something else comes to your mind. Google describes merchandise simply as “goods to be bought or sold.” A verse that has been encouraging me lately…

  • My Sister’s Keeper: 3 Lessons on Sisterhood

    My Sister’s Keeper: 3 Lessons on Sisterhood

    Whether you have biological sisters, spiritual sisters, or friends that have turned into sisters – we can all agree that the bond shared between sisters is special or at least it should be. When the idea of writing a blog about sisterhood came to me, my mind immediately thought about the story of Cain and…

  • When You’re Unequally Yoked….

    When You’re Unequally Yoked….

    Guy meets a girl. They fall in love. They live happily ever after.  This is the picture of love that society often paints. However, as you probably already know, finding true love is not always this simple. In the Amplified Version of the Bible, unequally yoked is mentioned as “being unequally bound together with unbelievers…