But, what about GROWTH?

I recently saw a post on Instagram that spoke about the difference between reaching for goals and reaching for growth.
This post was eye-opening for me and helped me to start thinking about how we should approach life differently, especially as we go into a new year.
Throughout life, it’s ingrained within us that we must have goals.
Get through school
Get a job
Make good money
Marry well
Buy a nice house
Have kids
Travel the world
Live life to the fullest
All of these goals are great blessings to achieve.
But……what happens when we achieve all these goals and have yet to experience growth?
Maybe you’ve read the list again and you’re saying well that seems like growth to me.
However, I’m not talking about the external. I’m talking about real growth. The growth that happens deep down on the inside.
We can achieve everything our heart desires and still not achieve real growth.
Since March of this year, I truly believe that God has been giving us more time to reflect, and with that reflection, I know He wants us to grow.
I believe the growth He’s looking for might be…
Dropping that bad attitude or grudge
Letting go of negative influences
Wishing others well
Resisting rebellion
Choosing self-control
Pleasing Him instead of people
Working when it goes unnoticed
Knowing Him for yourself
Believing His promises are true
Being ready for His soon return
All of us are different and I’m sure if we listen we can hear what specific areas He wants us to grow in.
2020 has been a hard year filled with the loss of lives, jobs, and many opportunities.
Originally, I wanted to write a blog titled “The Best is Yet to Come,” to drop a word of encouragement during these dark times.
However, the best only comes when we grow.
As we wrap up these last few days of the year and get ready for a new one, I pray that you reach your goals next year but more than that, I pray you grow!
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. -3 John 1:2
Happy New Year!

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