Happy New Year!
The start of the New Year is always a great time to begin fresh, create resolutions and develop new habits.
However, I think by this time in the month new patterns tend to die out and we go back to the same old way of doing things.
I believe a great way to get back on track is to remember your intention of creating your goal in the first place.
To be intentional means to be purposeful in word and action. Intention is everything.
Below are some ways that you can be more intentional with different areas of your life:
Time – Intend to:
1.Balance rest and productivity
2. Be more creative with your time
3. Prioritize your goals for each day
4. Practice patience (especially when waiting for God’s best)
Faith – Intend to:
5. Be still and know God
6. Share your faith with someone
7. Be used by God (for His glory)
8. Put your faith over your feelings
Relationships – Intend to:
9. Love in both words and actions
10. Be honest with people when they cross a boundary with you (emotional, physical, financial, etc)
11. Forgive people who have hurt you
12. Bring out the best (not the worst) in your spouse, significant other, friends, etc
Personal Growth – Intend to:
13. See yourself the way God sees you
14. Get out of your comfort zone
15. Guard your spirit from toxicity (bitterness, rage, comparison, insecurity, depression,etc.)
16. Heal from old wounds, mental/emotional scars

Career/Goals – Intend to:
17. Realize that you deserve a seat at the table
18. Work for an organization that truly values you
19. Go after your dreams
20. Celebrate every win (even the small ones)
This is just a small sample of the endless ways you can practice intentionality this year!
Personally, I have found that it is easy to produce content simply out of habit or because a certain topic is popular. However, going forward I plan on being more intentional with the content I produce on this blog.
Stay tuned and subscribe to receive updates on each new post!
God is intentional with His plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11) and I believe it is His will for us to be intentional with how we live our lives each and every day.
What are some ways that you plan on being more intentional this year?
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